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Going for a Ride


quick facts:

- located in Algonquin Park, Ontario
- explore prime loon locations via stable boat
- 2 days in duration

_Dancing in the Fog_

Things you'll love

about this one of a kind tour


A Stable Boat to Shoot From

A flat-bottom, stable boat is the perfect way to get close to the action. I'll be keeping you in position with a quiet, electric trolling motor.



Early summer tours offer the chance to see and photograph a truly amazing spectacle of nature - chicks riding on their parents' backs!


Closer Proximity

Loons are a tolerant bird, and the boat will allow us to get closer than otherwise possible. Better yet - due to their curious nature, they'll often pop up beside US! 


Misty Mornings

Though I can't guarantee good weather, there's a high chance we'll have misty, golden shooting conditions which would make for dramatic photos. 

The Details

Welcome to Loon Quest, located in the world renowned Algonquin Park! I'm excited to have you along for the journey. I am offering two formats: a 2 day experience involving 2 morning shoots and 2 evening shoots, OR a single day format involving 1 morning and 1 evening shoot.

Either way... get ready to fill your memory cards with hundreds and hundreds of loon photos!


There's a good chance we'll experience glass-like conditions on the lake which would allow for incredible loon and scenery reflections. With the use of a quiet electric trolling motor, I'll be positioning the boat to take advantage of the best possible lighting and backgrounds.

We typically aim to be on the water before sunrise. Algonquin's pre-dawn scenery can be next level and isn't to be missed! We'll be out until mid to late morning, and then break for lunch, before regrouping on the boat for our evening session. We'll then repeat this on day 2.

Call of the Loon_edited.jpg

Contact Me
with inquiries + booking requests

2 days of guiding (morning/evening/morning/evening): $899 per group (1 to 4 people)

1 day of guiding (morning+evening): $599 per group (1 to 4 people)

July 2-3   -   July 4-5   -   July  6-7  -   July 8-9

(prices in Canadian Dollars)
*other custom dates available on request*

Thanks for your message! Make sure to keep an eye on your Junk Mail in case my reply ends up there.

Participants will be required to sign a liability waiver prior to the tour.

A 50% refundable deposit is required at the time of booking. This is 100% refundable up until 60 days prior to the trip start date at which point it is non refundable. The remaining 50% is required 60 days prior to the trip start date (a reminder in advance of this approaching date will be sent out).

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